Mix Vision Interactive Technology Limited

美斯創見互動科技有限公司 (Mix Vision Interactive Technology Limited) 立足於澳門,致力於「智能數碼標牌」(Intelligent Digital Signage) 產品和服務的研發和行銷,並引入相關嶄新技術到澳門,將「數碼標牌」智能化、互動化,推動「智能數碼標牌」於商業社會和生活上的應用。現時,「數碼標牌」大多單純用於展示平台,而憑藉我們的新技術,能將數碼標牌打造成提供雲端管理、即時互動、數據分析等智能功能的媒介,帶來迎合潮流趨勢的新推廣、新零售模式,促進澳門智慧城市發展。

Mix Vision Interactive Technology Limited is based in Macau. With passion for Intelligent Digital Signage Service and Product Development, we introduce the latest related technologies to Macau. With our most advanced technologies, we develop Digital Signage to deliver smart, measurable and manageable Intelligent Digital Signage solutions including real-time interaction, cloud-base management and data analytics etc., Compare with traditional digital signage which is used for display only, our Intelligent Digital Signage creates more possibilities for clients. We inspire Macau companies to catch up with the global trends of the uses of innovative applications of Intelligent Digital Signage, to adapt the “New Retail” model, and also help to turn Macau into a Smart City.